
USB connector definition and interface definition

USB connector definition and interface definition

1. Definition of USB connector

1. Definition: A Universal Serial Bus connector is a connector between a computer and a peripheral device such as a printer, monitor, scanner, mouse, or keyboard. It is part of the USB interface, including the types of ports, cables, and connectors.

2. Definition: The Universal Serial Bus connector is a standard serial computer interface that allows simplified connection of peripheral devices

2. USB connector interface definition (color)

I wonder if you have noticed that USB ports come in different colors, black, blue, purple, red, yellow, etc. Do you know what the different colors of USB ports mean?

These colors are not required by the USB specification and are not consistent across device manufacturers. For example, Intel uses orange to represent charging ports, while one manufacturer of industrial equipment components chose orange to represent USB ports with a strong retention mechanism.

The general arrangement is: red, white, green and black from left to right
Red - USB power supply: marked with -VCC, Power, 5V, 5VSB
White - USB data cable: (negative) - DATA-, USBD-, PD-, USBDT-
Green - USB data line: (positive) - DATA+, USBD+, PD+, USBDT+
Black - Ground: GND, Ground

White, black, dark blue, and cyan are mainly related to transmission speed.

Purple, green, yellow, red, and orange are mainly related to charging.

Summary: USB port color is one of the ways to identify USB types, and most manufacturers still follow a similar color pattern. But it is not a standard and recommended method to identify USB types.

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